Around 22.2 million people work regularly in agriculture, but the farming sector needs to attract a new generation of farmers with the necessary skills to live and work in a challenging context. They will have to produce more efficiently while protecting the environment; contribute to the fight against climate change; meet society’s demands regarding healthy and balanced diets; and keep up with increasingly rapid scientific and technological progress. It is therefore essential that future farmers benefit from adequate agricultural education and training and acquire the various skills needed to adapt to a changing environment.
FarmBox project is aimed at improving the development of Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) skills for students and farmers to generate awareness about challenges of climate change and sensitize them about CSA benefits.
During the event, we will present the project outcomes:
- a MOOC about climate smart agriculture to provide key information about Climate Smart Agriculture
- an online Simulator to simulate in a virtual environment the benefits of Climate Smart Agriculture
Join our discussion to define the next steps for a Roadmap to a smarter and greener agriculture!
Erasmus+ FarmBox project invites you to its Final event on April 18th 2023 to discuss how training and technology contribute to Climate Smart Agriculture🌱!
Follow this link to find further information and the events’ registration form:
🌱Looking forward to see you there!🌱

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