
At the end of January and beginning of February, we had the Second Transnational Meeting of
the FarmBox Project in Milan, hosted by Istituto OIKOS.

However, this meeting had something special. Due to the difficulties that arose due to the Covid-19, all partners decided that it would be more convenient to implement the option of a hybrid reunion that would allow all partners to attend, regardless of the restrictions. This initiative was not only well received, but applauded by all colleagues as it allowed us to continue with the development of the diverse project results.

During the meeting, every associate presented their Beginner Module to recap about the ideas
and themes of the different proposals. This permitted to have an overview and, thanks to
the Project Coordinator a schematic panning of all modules was achieved. Thus, a pathway for the development of the Advanced Modules was created!

This last program is a more detailed experience, in which the previously stated themes will be widened with the aim of reaching a more specialized audience. The overall objective of these courses is to give the possibility to the various interested target groups of implementing more efficient practices into their daily tasks so they can improve their production or service activities while protecting the environment, all at the same time.

On the other hand, we were also able to peek into the first draft of the online Simulator. UTE showed to the FarmBox Project Consortium the inside structure and the initial proposal of the Simulator through an explanatory video. This permitted all associates to understand the work and to clarify any doubts that we could have regarding this matter.
Moreover, it provided us the insight on how this new approach, the combination of technology
and agriculture, could not only be extremely beneficial but the norm for the future. In other
words, this Simulator could be the spark of a new era for the Agricultural Sector!

All in all, and thanks to the effort of the Instituto OIKOS and its members, we were able to
celebrate a successful hybrid meeting even if at first there were some issues with the
technological aspect.

Team Farmbox


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